Numerology and the Stock Market: Can Numbers ..
Mar 15 - 2025
Most of us, when it comes to success, ask ourselves how to boost our luck, how to improve our fortune and how to easily head toward our goal. Of course, hard work determination and tenacity are prerequisites for success, but there is something specific and distinctly potent about being aware of the energies at play around us. In fact, many are interested in a little something called numerology, a method that says that the synergy of your date of birth and ruling planet can affect the course of your life. By knowing what colors can help you to make better decisions in your personal and professional life as per your energy, and by knowing what colors could lead you to bad luck.
In this article, we’ll look at how your “Driver Number”, the number connected to your birth date, influences your good and bad colours. So come on, and let's explore how colors can help you find success!
What is a Driver Number?
You Driver Number is what you get from your birthdate. It is thought to be your most powerful number in your numerology chart. To learn how to calculate your driver number, check out [How To Calculate Driver Number]
This Driver Number will link up with a specific planet and affect several areas of your life including career, health and relationship, and even what kinds of colors will help you or work against you.
1/ Driver Number 1 - Sun
If your date of birth is the 1st, 10th, 19th, or 28th then your ruling planet is the Sun. The Sun embodies themes around energy, vitality, and leadership.
So, you should wear and surround yourself best colors that are warm and vibrant like Red, Orange, and Yellow. These colors reflect vibrance and strength which hits very well with your natural leadership skills.
But here’s an important caveat: no black. The Sun is in opposition to Saturn, which is the ruler of black. This opposition puts them in conflict between struggle and fortune, and they become like the famous tragedy of the Titanic, which sank through the opposing forces of Saturn and the Sun. In order to maintain your energy balance and your success trajectory, avoid using black.
2/ Driver Number 2: Moon
If your day of birth is 2, 11, 20, or 29, your governing planet is the Moon. The Moon work’s influence over how we feel, our psychic ability and our adaptability. Wearing colours such as White or Off-White that are indicators of purity and serenity, allowing you to access your emotional intelligence that connects you well with others.
As essential are your unlucky colors, so avoid black. As Saturn had no dealings with the Moon (enemies) thus wearing black ( Saturn ) brings ill fate and unbalance of mind.
To balance this energy scientifically, you can do some remedies like, "worship Lord Shiva and offer raw milk or water to it."
3/ Driver Number 3: Jupiter
If your birthday falls on the 3rd, 12th, 21st, or 30th, your ruling planet is Jupiter (abundance, wisdom, expansion). The color that strikes your energy the most is Yellow a color of brightness that represents joy and wisdom. Lemon Yellow is ultra-potent for you, because it helps to increase confidence and bring attention to you.
However, avoid white. Venus rules white, but Venus is at odds with Jupiter. Wearing this color blocks you from possibly growing and reaching your maximum potential.
A saffron tilak and yellow thread are suggested to bring positivity and upliftment in your life. Also don't donate the white items, especially on Fridays, because this is not helping you on your project.
4/ Driver Number 4: Rahu
If your birth is on, 4, 13, 22, 31 dates, Rahu is your ruling planet. Rahu is generally considered to be the planet of metamorphosis, chaos and the unconventional. Rahu’s energy corresponds to the color gray, but you may use green as well, the color of his ally Mercury. Green associated with growing, intelligent, balance. Avoid black color.
Feeding dogs bread soaked in milk is a cure. It assists you to expand, and channel good vibes. As with the others, steers clear of Saturnian remedies, the exact opposite of what we need during a Saturn transit and as one will only incur more struggles and difficulties.
5/ Driver Number 5: Mercury
Your ruling planet is Mercury, the planet of communication, intellect, and adaptability if you were born on the 5th, 14th or 23rd. You have especially good luck with the color green. It symbolizes growth, harmony, and new beginnings, which make it a perfect fit for your intellectual and creative activities. Avoid black color.
There are no major enemies for this number, so any remedy related to the Sun or Venus will also be effective. Stay away from Saturn related remedies as they are known to block the way of communication and shackle the creativity.
6/ Driver Number 6: Venus
Those born on the the 6, 15, 24 fall under the influence of Venus, the planet of beauty, love and harmony. The color White is the most favorable for you; it indicates purity and peace. This trend will bring love and creativity into your life.
But with black and yellow, beware. Jupiter governs the planet yellow, which is incompatible with Venus. To improve your fortune, give away white things, like flour, rice, milk, or clothes. Except for Jupiter, as it will become the cause of your failure.
7/ Driver Number 7: Ketu
Ketu is your ruling planet if your date of birth is on 7, 16 and 25. Ketu is considered to be a spirit of mystery and spirituality; it is responsible for giving humans of those births the thirst to reach higher knowledge and enlightenment. The best color for you would be gray and white to the perfect mix of mystery and purity. Avoid black color.
Feed dogs milk bread. And it’s an easy and powerful remedy that balances the spiritual forces. Getting involved with Saturn remedies can disturb your inner peace and spiritual progression, so avoid them.
8/ Driver Number 8 :Saturn
Your ruling planet is Saturn, connected to discipline, responsibility and hardship, if you were born on the 8th, 17th or 26th. Yellow or White are the colors that bring you the most benefit, which work to soften that steep energy of Saturn and enable success through diligence and endurance.
Here the cure is worshipping Shani, visiting Shani temples and giving food to the poor people on Saturdays will do you good. Refrain from black and red, since this is the color of Saturn and could enhance negative energy. Use lighter colors such as yellow and white to balance things out.
9/ Driver Number 9: Mars
Mars is the ruling planet for those born on the 9th, 18th or 27th. Mars is the planet of action, courage, and energy, so Red and Orange are the best colours for you. These vivid colors represent power, ambition, and the will to win.
But do not choose black and gray. These colors are out of sync with Mars’ energetic essence. The remedy for you is to worship Lord Hanuman on Tuesdays, visiting temples of Hanuman or to read the Hanuman Chalisa. This can help you directed your energy to productive and successful.
And adding the proper colors you should incorporate into your life based on your Driver Number can help you align with the energy of the universe. What you wear, surround yourself with, and even what you eat profoundly influence your success, whether you’re looking to advance your career, draw in romance, or achieve spiritual fulfillment.
So find out your Driver Number and your lucky colors, and your unlucky colors, and let them be a means to a greater success in all areas of your life! If you pay close attention to which colours resonate with your energy, you may find that the road to success is clearer—and colourful!
For more personalized insights about your lucky and unlucky colors and how numerology can influence your life, feel free to contact us. We offer detailed numerology readings and consultations to help you unlock your true potential and navigate your life's journey with confidence and clarity.